Garfield School: Flashlight Friday at Garfield School!
6 months ago, Garfield School
Garfield School: Hudson County Improvement Authority visited Garfield School to give a presentation on pedestrian safety.
6 months ago, Garfield School
Garfield School: Badminton unit for Grades 3 and 4 in Physical Education
6 months ago, Garfield School
Garfield School: Students in grade K-2 visit the library to program Kibo Robots with Ms. Curry.
6 months ago, Garfield School
Congratulations to Garfield School's Marking Period 2 Award Recipients! We are proud of all of your hard work.
6 months ago, Donna Masters
Garfield School: Congratulations to our Achieve3000 Weekly Top Scorers!
6 months ago, Donna Masters
Garfield School's Fourth Grade Science students engaged in a dynamic learning experience, combining LEGO Education kits with coding in the classroom. As students work, they develop teamwork and problem-solving skills. Students then coded their creations and brought them to life!
7 months ago, Donna Masters
Thank you to all of the Garfield School families who generously donated boxes of cereal to help stock the Kearny Food Pantry so they can support families in our community.
7 months ago, Garfield School
Garfield School: Sixth graders solving special LOVE math problems.
7 months ago, Garfield School
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day
Garfield School participated in World Read Aloud Day! Students got the opportunity to listen stories read by the authors and illustrators.
7 months ago, Garfield School
Congratulations to Garfield School's January Students of the Month!
7 months ago, Donna Masters
Garfield School: Today we had firefighter O'Sullivan come and show the children his firefighter gear. As we celebrate the ending of the clothing study, it was great to see the uniforms we have been learning about in real life.
7 months ago, Garfield School
Firefighter O'Sullivan
Firefighter O'Sullivan
Firefighter O'Sullivan
Garfield School: Mrs. D'Elia's First Graders visited the Garfield School Store today. This was their first time shopping together as a class. Each student received dollars for being kind to each other, helping the teacher, and for following our class rules. We had snow much fun shopping together! 😀
7 months ago, Garfield School
School Store
Garfield School participated in the Great Kindness Challenge. Students wore tie dye, peace signs or bright colors to show Peace, Love, and Kindness!
7 months ago, Garfield School
Wear tie dye, peace signs or bright colors
Wear tie dye, peace signs or bright colors
Wear tie dye, peace signs or bright colors
Wear tie dye, peace signs or bright colors
Wear tie dye, peace signs or bright colors
Wear tie dye, peace signs or bright colors
Wear tie dye, peace signs or bright colors
Garfield Kids are Kind Kids!
7 months ago, Garfield School
School Spirit
School Spirit
Garfield School participated in the Great Kindness Challenge. Students joined the kindness team and wore their favorite team shirt.
7 months ago, Garfield School
Team Shirts
Team Shirts
Team Shirts
Team Shirts
Team Shirts
Team Shirt
Garfield School: Mrs. D'Elia's First Graders at Garfield School visited our library today. We listened to a story and checked out books. We had so much fun with our librarian.
7 months ago, Garfield School
Story Time
Garfield School Winter Concert! Thanks Mr. Burzynski and Ms. Chen for organizing a fantastic show for all of our students, staff, and families to enjoy.
7 months ago, Garfield School
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Garfield School participated in the Great Kindness Challenge. Students dressed like Rock Stars to show Kindness Rocks!
7 months ago, Garfield School
Kindness Rocks
Kindness Rocks
Kindness Rocks
Kindness Rocks
Kindness Rocks
Kindness Rocks
Kindness Rocks
Kindness Rocks
Omega Man visited Garfield School to discuss character development, bully prevention, social emotional learning, and respect for all!
7 months ago, Garfield School
Omega Man
Omega Man
Omega Man
Omega Man
Omega Man
Omega Man
Omega Man
Omega Man
Omega Man
Omega Man