Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
about 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
about 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
about 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
about 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Happy Halloween from the Franklin Falcons!
about 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Franklin School: Presenting Franklin School's Student Liaison Team! These students received special certificates for being a part of the "Nutrition Advisory Council."
about 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Franklin School: Here are Mrs. Padinha's 5th graders working with their owl pellets!
about 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
owl pellets
Franklin School: Ms. Klein's class working on following directions, waiting and communicating using their communication devices with Speech therapist Ms. Chelsea. Everyone had a spooky time 👻
about 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Franklin School: Our own Pomptonian Professional, Lupe Osorio was a special guest speaker for Mrs. Silva's PreK-4 class. The students asked many questions about our wonderful lunch program!
about 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Franklin School: The Junior Peers and PBSIS hosted a food drive to donate to the Kearny Community Food Bank. GO, Falcons! Here are the students pictured with Ms. Padinha, Mrs. Wiggins, and Mrs. Sickinger.
over 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
FOod driv e
food drive
Franklin School: We had a very special celebration in the library with Mrs. Melker for those students who completed their SUMMER READING! Go, Falcons!
over 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
summer reading
summer reading
summer reading
Franklin School: The Franklin Falcons kicked off RESPECT WEEK with "No Drama Pajama Day!"
over 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Respect week
Respect week
Respect week
Respect week
Respect week
Franklin School: Congratulations to the winners of the "Learning Ally Summer Reading Together" Contest! GO, Falcons!
over 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
First day of Franklin School fun in 6th Grade! Students played a getting to know you game on their first day in 6th grade at Franklin School. Groups of students had to compete and try to build the tallest tower with “what we have in common” cards! Go, Falcons!
over 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Franklin School says farewell to our BEST NURSES, Margaret Berko and Sandy Doran! We will miss you both like CRAZY! Thank you for caring for our entire FRANKLIN FAMILY! Once a Falcon, Always a Falcon!
over 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Franklin School students and staff went head to head and played a fun game of, "Are You Smarter than Our 6th Grader?" Questions ranged from Geography, to Math, to Science and ELA! It was a fun time had by all!
over 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
game show
game show
Franklin School's 6th grade kickball tournament was a success!
over 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Franklin School: Ms. Klein's class celebrated the last full day of school with a small field day. We had lots of fun doing an obstacle course, jumping in hula hoops and playing with bubbles!
over 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Franklin School: 3rd grader, Cole Raia wins a prize at our PBSIS Prize Assembly! Here he is with our FRANKLIN FALCON!
over 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker
Franklin School: 2nd graders, Ariel Juarez and Kelly Ferreira made a special LEGO plaque for Mrs. Melker, our Librarian, "Don't Stop Believing!"
over 1 year ago, Marlaina Melker