Schuyler School - Our 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade classes put on an awesome performance at our Winter Concert!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Schuyler School - Introducing our talented entertainers! Our kindergarten, first and second grade students sang their hearts out at our Winter Concert! What a great show they put on!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Schuyler School - On Wednesday Schuyler School held our annual Winter Concert. What an amazing performance by our Concert Band, Guitar Club and Choir!!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
Schuyler School Peers - Our peers and first grade students had a super fun lesson today! They took turns reading to each other!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School - Ms. Di Gangi's Schuyler Art Club students were busy brainstorming creative ideas for a tiger sculpture called the Animodule Project. The Art Club is working with the Barat Foundation and the Hudson County Arts in Education.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
art club
art club
art club
art club
Schuyler School - One of our enrichment clubs this semester was our Journalism Club led by Mrs. Cecere. The students learned so much in this club and had fun too! Their end project was to create the first edition of the Schuyler Tiger News! What a great job they did!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler Tiger News
Schuyler Tiger News
Schuyler Tiger News
Schuyler School - Mrs. Cecere’s class created gum drop trees in Science. Groups worked together to construct the tallest possible tree they could with toothpicks and gumdrops. Students had so much fun with this one! At the end, all trees were measured and groups had a chance to reflect on their challenges and successes.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
gum drop tree
gum drop tree
gum drop tree
gum drop tree
Schuyler School - Mrs. Cecere’s class created gum drop trees in Science. Groups worked together to construct the tallest possible tree they could with toothpicks and gumdrops. Students had so much fun with this one! At the end, all trees were measured and groups had a chance to reflect on their challenges and successes.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
gum drop tree
gum drop tree
gum drop tree
Schuyler School held it's first tree decorating contest. The winners are: Ms Rocha's Bahumbug tree, Ms. Digangi's Art tree, Ms. Rocha's Cookie Monster tree, and Ms. DeMatos's Fifa tree! It was so much fun!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
tree contest
tree contest
tree contest
tree contest
Schuyler School - So proud of these two 6th grade students who completed the most iReady puzzles for November!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Gr.6 iReady
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our 5th grade iReady winners!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Gr.5 iReady
Gr.5 iReady
Schuyler Students - Congratulations to the winners of our second grade iReady contest. These students completed the most puzzles during the month of November.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Grade 2 iReady
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our Students of the Month for November!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Students of the Month
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our 5th grade Achieve winners for November! These two students completed the most Achieve articles at 75% and above for November.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
5th Achieve3000
Schuyler School - Congratulations to Mrs. Cecere's monthly iReady contest winners for the month of November! Jeremy passed 26 lessons and Aiyana passed 20 lessons.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Cecere iReady
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our Grade 1 I-ready winners. These students had the highest number of lessons passed in each homeroom for the month of November!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Grade 1 i-Ready
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our Achieve3000 winners for November. These students had the highest increase in lexile level for the month in their grade level.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School - Ms. Hatfield's class did a great job completing projects about "What I'm Thankful For".
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our 3rd grade i-Ready winners who had the most lessons passed for the month of November!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Grade 3 iReady
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our 4th grade Achieve3000 winners for November! They had the most articles completed with an average activity score of 75% or better for the month.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
4th grade Achieve