Schuyler School - Congratulations to our 5th grade Achieve3000 winners for December. These students completed the most Achieve articles at 75% and above for the month!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Achieve3000 gr.5 December
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our Students of the Month for December! Keep up the great work!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
December SOM
December SOM
Schuyler School - Congratulations to the winners of our schoolwide i-Ready contest for December. These students passed the most i-Ready lessons in each math class. We also have the overall winners from each grade level and the grand champ who passed the most lessons for the month in the whole school!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
December i-Ready winners
Grand winner
Grade level winners
Schuyler School- Dedicated Art Club students are preparing the surface of the sculpture for the next phase in the Animodule Project.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Art club sculpture
art club sculpture
art sculpture
Congratulations to the I-Ready contest winners for the month of December from Mrs. Buggle’s and Miss Hutcheson’s classes 🎉🎉🎉
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Gr.5 i-Ready
Gr.5 i-Ready
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our SmartMusic Champ for December!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
SmartMusic Champ
Schuyler School - Congratulations to the winners of the i-Ready contest forDecember for Ms. Rivera's and Ms. Sofield's classes!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Gr. 4 i-Ready
Gr. 4 i-Ready
Schuyler School: Junior Peers ran a local coat drive to collect new and gently worn coats. They then worked in groups to sort the donated coats by age group and size and placed uplifting notecards in each pocket to spread joy to those receiving them! Way to go Junior Peers!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Peers Coat Drive
Schuyler School - Congratulations to the winners of Ms. Vaporis' i-Ready contest for December!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Vaporis i-Ready Dec.
Schuyler School - Congratulations to this amazing reader for winning our 6th grade Achieve3000 contest for December. She read 16 articles with a score of 75% or better for the month! (second month she won!)
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Achieve December
Schuyler School - so proud of these two students who had the most i-ready puzzles passed for December in Ms. Paris's and Ms. Walsh's classes!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Gr.6 i-Ready Dec
Schuyler School - Congratulations to these three amazing students in Ms. Cecere's homeroom. They passed the most i-Ready math lessons for the month of December. For each lesson passed they received a raffle ticket to cash in at the prize box. The top winner had 25 lessons passed!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Cecere iReady December
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our third grade math stars who had the most i-Ready math lessons passed in each homeroom.
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Gr.3 i-Ready December
Schuyler School - These amazing kindergarten mathematicians had the highest scores on i-Ready math lessons for the month of December for each homeroom! Great job!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
iReady K December
Schuyler School - Congratulations to all our first grade students who maintained an average of forty minutes or more on i-Ready for the month of December!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Gr. 1 December
Gr. 1 December
Gr. 1 December
Schuyler School - Congratulation to with winners of our KEEP monthly brain teaser challenge for December for grades 4-6!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
KEEP grade 4
KEEP grade 5
KEEP grade 6
Schuyler School - Congratulations to the winners of our KEEP monthly brain teaser challenge for December for grades 1-3!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
KEEP 1st grade
KEEP 2nd grade
KEEP 3rd grade
KEEP grade 3
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our 2nd grade iReady winners for December. These students completed the most i-Ready puzzles for the month!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Grade 2 i-Ready
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our Achieve3000 winners for the month of December. These students had the highest increase in lexile level for their grade level! Great job!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School - This amazing Schuyler School students donated his toys back to our PreK classes! Now that's the true spirit of the holidays!
over 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
holiday donation