Schuyler School - Our first Staff Fun Friday just happened to fall on the first full moon of the school year. We all know what happens when there is a full moon.... so we decided to help them out with some special treats to survive! Happ Friday!
11 months ago, Valerie Iacono
Full moon
Full moon
Full moon
Full moon
Full moon
Our 4th 5th and 6th graders had a visit from The Music Shop on Friday. They learned all about instruments that they can pick to play in our Schuyler School band program. Can’t wait to hear them! Let's go Schuyler Band!
11 months ago, Valerie Iacono
Music Demo
Music Demo
Schuyler School never forgets....... in memory of September 11, 2001.
12 months ago, Valerie Iacono
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
clap out
clap out
clap out
clap out
clap out
Clap out
Clap out
Clap out
Schuyler School - Lots and lots of congratulations to these 6th grade students for earning the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence. These students maintained an overall academic average of 90% or better throughout fourth grade, fifth grade, and the first three marking periods of sixth grade. Great work!
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Academic Excellence
Schuyler School - Congratulations to these 6th grade students who had the most lessons passed and the highest growth on i-Ready for the year!
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
grade 6 iReady
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our 6th grade Achieve3000 winner. He had the most growth in lexile level!
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
gr. 6 Achieve3000
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our 6th grade Achieve3000 winner. He had the most growth in lexile level!
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
gr. 6 Achieve3000
Schuyler School - These 6th grade students did some amazing work all year with these clubs - peers, patrols, art club, band, guitar club, spelling bee
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
grade 6 patrols
grade 6 art club
grade 6 band
grade 6 guitar club
grade 6 peers
Grade 6 spelling bee
Schuyler School - Great job this year from all these 5th grade students in our art club, choir, and band
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
grade 5 art club
grade 5 band
grade 5 choir
Schuyler School - Great job this year by our 4th grade band and our 4th grade choir and guitar club
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
grade 4  band
grade 4 choir
Schuyler School - Congratulations to all our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students who earned citizenship for the fourth marking period.
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
grade 4 ciizenship
grade 5 citizenship
grade 6 citizenship
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our 4th, 5th, adn 6th grade students who earned honors for the fourth marking period!
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
grade 4 honors
grade 5 honors
grade 6 honors
Schuyler School - Congratulations to our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students who earned Principal's Honors for the fourth marking !
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
grade 4 principal's honors
grade 5 principal's honors
grade 6 principal's honors
Schuyler School Motto - Live every hour like it's happy hour! Wishing all our students, staff and families a very fun and relaxing summer!
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
happy hour
happy hour
happy hour
happy hour
Schuyler School - The rain won't stop them! Our 6th grade enjoyed our PTA 6th grade picnic even though we moved it into our gym! We wish all our 6th grade students all the best in middle school!
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
6th picnic
6th picnic
6th picnic
6th picnic
6th picnic
6th picnic
6th picnic
6th picnic
6th picnic
6th picnic
Schuyler School - lots of thanks to our PTA for an amazing carnival! The kids had so much fun!
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School - Special thanks to our PTA for a fun night at our Wrap Up Bash!
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
Wrap Up Bash
Wrap Up Bash
Wrap Up Bash
Wrap Up Bash
Wrap Up Bash
Wrap Up Bash
Wrap Up Bash
Wrap Up Bash
Wrap Up Bash
Wrap Up Bash
Schuyler School - Our ESL students got to release their butterflies and ladybugs. Some students even got to hold them!
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
ESL butterflies
ESL butterflies
ESL butterflies
ESL butterflies
ESL butterflies
ESL butterflies
ESL butterflies
Schuyler School - Our 6th grade students enjoyed a fun breakfast for their last week and got the chance to sign each other's memory books! We are going to miss them!
about 1 year ago, Valerie Iacono
6th grade breakfast
6th grade breakfast
6th grade breakfast
6th grade breakfast
6th grade breakfast
6th grade breakfast
6th grade breakfast