Congratulations to our October Student of the Month recipients from Washington School! We are so proud of you!

The Kearny School District wishes everyone celebrating Diwali a joyous and meaningful holiday, filled with light, love, and prosperity.

Mrs. Bellengers students from Washington had the honor of having our superintendent Mrs. Encarnacao read to us today! She read Room on the Broom and the kids absolutely loved it!!

Check out Washington School's Halloween Parade on our youtube channel (@washingtonschoolnj)!

Wishing all of our ghouls and goblins a sweet Halloween that brings you more treats than tricks! Happy Halloween from the Kearny School District! 👻🧙🏼🍭🍬🍫🎃

Today Mrs. Hornung’s students from Washington investigated a pumpkin and learned about what’s inside. They carved the pumpkin and chose shapes for the eyes nose and mouth!

Mrs. Walsh's 6th graders at Washington School have taken a deep dive into the fascinating world of ancient Mesopotamia! They explored the significance of the land between two rivers, learned about the first written language, and even built Ziggurat structures! 🏛️✨ Students enjoyed hands-on STEM projects, writing their names in Cuneiform on clay and creating an impressive marble run around their Ziggurat.

Washington School held their annual Pumpkin Contest this week. Check out our winners in different categories. Every year our students and families astound us with their creativity, we can't wait for next year! If you would like to view all the entries, check out our school Instagram @washingtonschoolnj 🎃

Congratulations to Mason, Yamilla, Janelle, & Jacob for being our newest students to be Caught Being Kind at Washington! We are so proud!

Washington School would like to thank the Women’s Club of Arlington for coming to read to our Kindergarten classrooms in honor of Jumpstart’s Read for the Record! We are so appreciative of your time and your book donation!

Mrs. Donovan’s class from Washington learned about engineering and design. They used toothpicks and gummy bears to create structures strong enough to hold up a hardcover book. It was deliciously interesting.

Thank you to the Kearny Fire Department for sponsoring the Fire Fighter Phil assembly for Washington students!

Ms. Dyl and Ms. Molina, along with their own ducklings, took a trip over to KHS to meet the hatchlings! 🦆Miles of smiles went all around as our visitors interacted with our feathery friends. Thank you to Ms. Hatfield and the Success classes for such an exciting opportunity! 🐣

Our young visitors from Schuyler School's ABA classes had a blast today, meeting and interacting with the newest arrivals in the KHS Success classes—our adorable ducklings! 🐥💛 Watching them learn and connect was pure joy!

Check out Washington School’s newest episode of our newscast!

Congratulations to Gareb, Jacob, Yolaina, Lyla, & Zavian from Washington School! They were all caught doing kind acts this week, we are so proud of them!

Washington School’s Orff Ensemble is off to a great start! Here they are practicing chord changes for one of our performance pieces. “Orff Ensembles” are student xylophone groups named for the 20th Century composer Carl Orff, who was influential in music education and had a hand in designing special xylophones for classroom use like the ones we’re playing here!

📢Reminder! Kearny Public Schools will hold its Regular Board of Education meeting:
📅Monday, October 14th
🕜 7pm
📍The Board Office: 172 Midland Avenue
The public is welcome to attend

Washington School has two things to celebrate today! Happy National Principal Month to Mr. Adamski! Also, today is our Vice Principal, Mr. Ruiz’s birthday! 🎉

🎃 Yesterday was a perfect fall day at Washington! All of the students were able to pick out a pumpkin thanks to the Kearny PBA. Thank you to the Mr. Adamski, Mr. Ruiz, Washington staff, and the district instructional coaches for helping make this day a huge success!
In addition to these photos, enjoy this brief video highlighting the day here: https://youtu.be/Vq7JoXKqygU?feature=shared
You can find additional photos on our Instagram (@washingtonschoolnj)! 🎃