🌟 Wishing a sweet and prosperous Rosh Hashanah to our Kearny School District community! May this new year bring peace, health, and happiness to all. Shana Tova! 🍏🍯
3 months ago, Kearny School District
Shana Tova!
Schuyler School - Our students in kindergarten through second grade who completed the summer reading log enjoyed a fun celebration and received a new book!
3 months ago, Valerie Iacono
summer reading
summer reading
summer reading
summer reading
summer reading
summer reading
summer reading
summer reading
summer reading
Happy National Principals Month! Sending a huge thank you to all the incredible principals who lead with dedication and inspire our students every day. Your impact is invaluable!
3 months ago, Kearny School District
Nat'l Principal's Month
Schuyler School - Ms. Rocha's class did such a good job with their science lesson - making stained glass!
3 months ago, Valerie Iacono
stained glass
stained glass
stained glass
stained glass
Schuyler School - Mr. Silpoch's class read "Scranimals" and learned about all sorts of different “scrambled animals”. Then his students created their own!
3 months ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School - Mrs. Cecere’s Writing classes have been working hard on drafting and pair conferencing. Students are offering each other valuable feedback, showing appreciation for each other’s writing, and strengthening our writing classroom community. They accomplish all of this while utilizing many different flexible seating options in the classroom.
3 months ago, Valerie Iacono
Cecere writing
Cecere writing
Cecere writing
Cecere writing
Cecere writing
Cecere writing
Cecere writing
Schuyler School - Mrs. Cecere’s writing classes have been working hard on drafting and pair conferencing. Students are offering each other valuable feedback, showing appreciation for each other’s writing, and strengthening our writing classroom community. They accomplish all of this while utilizing many different flexible seating options in the classroom.
3 months ago, Valerie Iacono
Cecere writing
Cecere writing
Cecere writing
Cecere writing
Cecere writing
cecere writing
📚☀️Congratulations to our Learning Ally Summer Reading contest winners!
3 months ago, Kearny School District
Schuyler School - Congratulations to the winners of our Learning Ally contest! These students read the most over the summer!
3 months ago, Valerie Iacono
Learning Ally
Learning Ally
Our students were recently awarded gift cards and certificates for their outstanding performance in the i-Ready Summer Math contest. Their hard work and dedication throughout the summer really paid off!
3 months ago, Kearny School District
Roosevelt School
Schuyler School - Congratulations to the winners of our summer iReady contest!!
3 months ago, Valerie Iacono
summer iReady
Schuyler School - What a great Back to School Night! So happy to see all our Schuyler School families and appreciate all the support and help from our PTA, Pomptonian, Right at School, and the Uniform Exchange!
3 months ago, Valerie Iacono
BTS Night
BTS Night
BTS Night
BTS Night
BTS Night
BTS Night
Schuyler School - Special thanks to our district instrumental music teachers for an amazing assembly introducing our students to all the instruments available for them to play in our band!! What a group of talented teachers!
3 months ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School Student Council kicked off our Start with Hello Week with “Chalk the Walk”. They chalked the walk with Hello in all different languages. All students also wrote kind messages!
4 months ago, Valerie Iacono
chalk the walk
Chalk the walk
Chalk the walk
Schuyler School Student Council kicked off our Start with Hello Week with “Chalk the Walk”. They chalked the walk with Hello in all different languages. All students also wrote kind messages!
4 months ago, Valerie Iacono
chalk the walk
chalk the walk
chalk the walk
chalk the walk
chalk the walk
chalk the walk
Chalk the walk
Chalk the walk
Chalk the walk
Chalk the walk
Schuyler School - What a great night! Special thanks to our PTA for an amazing Back to School Bash!! And a special visit from Tommy the Tiger!
4 months ago, Valerie Iacono
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
Schuyler School - What a great night! Special thanks to our PTA for an amazing Back to School Bash!! And a special visit from Tommy the Tiger!
4 months ago, Valerie Iacono
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
Schuyler School - What a great night! Special thanks to our PTA for an amazing Back to School Bash!! And a special visit from Tommy the Tiger!
4 months ago, Valerie Iacono
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
BTS bash
Schuyler School - Future Engineers! Our 6th grade students were challenged to build the tallest tower using spaghetti and marshmallows!
4 months ago, Valerie Iacono
📣Reminder! Kearny Public Schools will hold its regular Board of Education meeting on Monday, September 16th at the board office: 172 Midland Avenue. The meeting will be open to the public at 7pm.
4 months ago, Kearny School District
KSD Board Meeting 9/16