Schuyler School - Congratulations to the winners of our Grade 6 Google Drawing contest!
1st place - Katelyn Anticona - scary house with ghosts
2nd place - Samuel DeSouza - fall house with scarecrow
3rd place - Brenna Taylor - scary house with witch

Congratulations to Schuyler School's 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year - Mrs. Cecere! We are so lucky and proud to have you as part of our staff! Thank you for all of your dedication and hard work!

Schuyler School students embraced the cold weather by dressing comfy for the last day of school before break!

Schuyler School students celebrated all the different countries playing in the World Cup with a dress down day for students to wear the colors of their country or team!

Schuyler School - Mr. Scancerella's STEM project
This week Mr. Scancerella's classes created candy corn catapults using science, teachnology, engineering, and mathematics. The students worked in groups to create these catapults and today the students competed to see who could use their catapults to shoot the candy corn the farthest.

Schuyler School - Mrs. Iacono showed her gratitude for her staff with special treats! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Schuyler School - ESL Students in our Kindergarten Science class learned about wind and how wind makes things move. They made pinwheels and went outside to see how wind made their pinwheels spin.

Schuyler School - ESL Students in our Kindergarten Science class learned about wind and how wind makes things move. They made pinwheels and went outside to see how wind made their pinwheels spin.

Schuyler School - Schuyler School's Junior Peers have concluded their Gratitude Wreath project! Every student in our school community was provided with a blank leaf, where they drew and/or wrote what they are grateful for. The Junior Peers assembled students' completed leaves into a Gratitude Wreath, which is displayed in our school's breeze-way. Every student did a fantastic job crafting their leaves and The Junior Peers are grateful for everyone who participated!

Schuyler School - Schuyler School's Junior Peers have concluded their Gratitude Wreath project! Every student in our school community was provided with a blank leaf, where they drew and/or wrote what they are grateful for. The Junior Peers assembled students' completed leaves into a Gratitude Wreath, which is displayed in our school's breeze-way. Every student did a fantastic job crafting their leaves and The Junior Peers are grateful for everyone who participated!

Schuyler School - Schuyler School's Junior Peers have concluded their Gratitude Wreath project! Every student in our school community was provided with a blank leaf, where they drew and/or wrote what they are grateful for. The Junior Peers assembled students' completed leaves into a Gratitude Wreath, which is displayed in our school's breeze-way. Every student did a fantastic job crafting their leaves and The Junior Peers are grateful for everyone who participated!

Schuyler School’s Junior Peers were excited to run the annual Thanksgiving food drive to help those in need. All donations from our school community will help the Knights of Columbus to provide meals for families through our local food pantry. Thank you to all who made this event possible!

Schuyler School - Ms. Hatfield’s class is planting pumpkin seeds and pine cones with seeds to see how they grow.

Students loved a visit from our Achieve3000 representative!

Schuyler School - Congratulations to our Achieve3000 winners for October. These students had the highest increase in lexile levels in their grade levels!

Schuyler School - Congratulations to our Students of the Month for October!

Special thanks to the Schuyler School PTA for an amazing Trunk or Treat!

Special thanks to the Schuyler School PTA for a fun night at our Trunk or Treat!

Our Schuyler School staff had some creative costumes today!

Schuyler School enjoyed some fun Halloween activities today!