Spring has arrived at Schuyler School! Grade 4 art students learned an interesting painting technique to create these beautiful sakura (cherry blossoms).
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School - Ms. Di Gangi's Arts & Crafts Enrichment Class proudly displays their colorful rainbows just in time for Spring.
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Arts and Crafts
Schuyle rSchool - We kicked off our PTA Book Fair with students dressing up as their favorite character from a book! Even our teachers joined in dressing up as the crayons from "The Day the Crayons Quit"!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Schuyler School - Our students really enjoyed reading at our Camp Read a Lot! https://youtu.be/-wKyTb7-ReE
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School students were so excited to watch the final game of our Volleyball Tournament! Congratulations to the Speedsters Return! https://youtube.com/shorts/eI8i2zIunzw?feature=share
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School: The Junior Peers held a book drive in celebration of Read Across America! With the help of our school community, we collected 511 gently used books. Thank you to those who donated and made this book drive successful!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Book Drive
Book Drive
Book Drive
Book Drive
Book Drive
Schuyler school - Students in Mrs.Walsh’s class learned about the history of leprechauns. Working together they then designed and created leprechaun traps in the hopes of catching one. Can you guess which design caught a leprechaun?
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Walsh Leprechaun
Walsh Leprechaun
Walsh Leprechaun
Walsh Leprechaun
Walsh Leprechaun
Schuyler School - St. Patrick's Day fun! Ms. Hatfields' students designed a trap to catch a leprechaun and then wrote about the things they would buy if they had a pot of gold!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Leprechaun trap
Leprechaun trap
Schuyler School families had so much fun at our STEAM Night! They worked together on various activities like designing a marble run, building a tower, balloon car building, making bouncy balls, creating catapults, and making raised salt paintings! They were very creative and had so much fun!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School families had so much fun at our STEAM Night! They worked together on various activities like designing a marble run, building a tower, balloon car building, making bouncy balls, creating catapults, and making raised salt paintings! They were very creative and had so much fun!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School students really enjoyed a sneak preview of the Kearny High School Musical presentation of Shrek! The students loved it!! Come see for yourself on March 16, 17, and 18 at 7:00pm in the Kearny High School auditorium!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School took the time during this month to complete a school wide goal. For Read Across America, classes were assigned a USA state and provided with read alouds from an author/illustrator that lived in that state or a book whose setting took place in that state. As a group effort, each teacher shared a read aloud with their class. I am happy to announce that Schuyler School has successfully read across America by reading across the states.
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Read Across America
Schuyler School - Congratulations to the winners of our 9th Annual Corey Burke Volleyball Tournament. Although everyone played great, this team won the finals and became our 2023 Champs! Great job by the 'Speedsters Return'!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Volleyball champs
Schuyler School held our 9th Annual Corey Burke Volleyball Tournament on Friday. Our 16 teams made up of teachers and students raised $445 with all proceeds going to cancer research in Corey's name. The whole school was able to watch the final game in which the Speedsters Return won with some spirited play and great teamwork! Congratulations and a job well done by all who participated and donated!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School held our 9th Annual Corey Burke Volleyball Tournament on Friday. Our 16 teams made up of teachers and students raised $445 with all proceeds going to cancer research in Corey's name. The whole school was able to watch the final game in which the Speedsters Return won with some spirited play and great teamwork! Congratulations and a job well done by all who participated and donated!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Schuyler School - Students in 4th grade participated in the annual book tasting event. In a restaurant-like atmosphere, students moved from table to table to sample books of different genres. They had opportunities to write down their initial thoughts of the book they sampled, and at the end were able to reflect on the experience and write down the titles of books they would like to read from the event. It was a wonderful day of reading, talking about books, and getting excited about new genres to read in the future.
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Book tasting
Schuyler School - Students in 4th grade participated in the annual book tasting event. In a restaurant-like atmosphere, students moved from table to table to sample books of different genres. They had opportunities to write down their initial thoughts of the book they sampled, and at the end were able to reflect on the experience and write down the titles of books they would like to read from the event. It was a wonderful day of reading, talking about books, and getting excited about new genres to read in the future.
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
book tasting
book tasting
book tasting
book tasting
book tasting
book tasting
book tasting
book tasting
book tasting
Book tasting
Schuyler School - Congratulations to the winning classes for our iReady Superbowl Challenge. End of first quarter - Ms. Paris's class/ Half time - Ms. Rocha's class/ third quarter - Ms. Santiago's class/ Final score - Ms. Rush & Ms. Sansone's class! Great job!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Superbowl iReady
Superbowl iReady
Superbowl iReady
Superbowl iReady
Schuyler School - Congratulations to the winners of our grade 5 Achieve3000 contest. These two students completed the most Achieve articles with a score of 75% or better for the month of February!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Gr.5 Achieve Feb
Schuyler School - Congratulations to the winners of the grade 4 iReady contest for February from Ms. Sofield's homeroom and Ms. Rivera's homeroom!
almost 2 years ago, Valerie Iacono
Gr.4 iReady Feb
Gr.4 iReady Feb