Our middle school enrichment students have thoroughly enjoyed guitar class! They learned different cords, how to play songs, and even read music. Some students have never even picked up a guitar before! Now they are able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills for everyone to see!
about 1 year ago, KSD
In the foreground a teacher working with a young lady.  They are both holding acoustic guitars at a brown table.  In the back there are three students playing yhe guitar around a brown table..
A student sitting at a brown table looking down while holding his guitar.
Three students all sitting at brown tables playing a chord on their guitars.
In the foreground a teacher working with a young lady.  They are both holding acoustic guitars at a brown table.  In the back there are three students playing yhe guitar around a brown table..
A young man sitting at a light brown table playing the guitar.
A young man sitting at a light brown table playing the guitar.
A young man sitting at a light brown table playing the guitar.
A young man sitting on a plastic chair with his legs crossed playing the guitar.
The whole class of 8 students sitting and leaning on a brown table posing while holding their guitars.
A young man sitting at a light brown table playing the guitar.
First Graders in our Summer Program explored “Steam Park” which provided opportunities for students to think like scientists as they build models, and experiment and test ideas. Students applied science, technology, engineering, art, and math skills as well!
about 1 year ago, KSD
A collage of five pictures.  Top left and young student holding up her lego creations that has two cupckes no each side with lego characters in them and a yellow face in the middle with an orange cone on them.  Top right: young student holding up her lego slide that has a yellow ball on the top of it. Bottom left: A student holding up his lego creation while wearing a paper chefs hat.  bottom middle: A young girl sitting next to her lego creation which is on a brown desk.  IT looks like a two sided slide.
A collage of pictures.  Top left: A young boy holding up his lego creation which resembles a castle. Top right: Two young girls standing nect to their lego house.  Bottom left: A young girl standing with her lego creation which has flags sticking up from it. Bottom Middle: A young girl standing next to her lego castle.  Bottom right: Young boy standing next to his lego castle .
A collage of three pictures. Top: two boys sending cars down the lego bridge they built. Bottom left: two young students holding up their lego creation with cars .  Bottom right: # young girls running a car over a bridge that was built from legos.
Students learned various Math strategies throughout our summer program. Here you will see them having fun working together to master PEMDAS (parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, & subtraction)!
about 1 year ago, KSD
One students seated at a desk while another students stands over them and is helping with the math work.  In the background is a bulletin board covered with student work.
Several students sitting at brown desks looking at the camera with theirt work on their desks.
Several students witting at brown desks working on their math problems
Our robotics students have been working on creating carnival games for our elementary students on their last day! They created a robot that can play a real life game. The goal of the game is to get all of the rings off of the stand and put into the container.
about 1 year ago, KSD
2 students in a school hallway.  one holding a remote control and the other bending over their creations.
A students sitting at a gray desk working on her project.  Behind her are shelves filled with robotics gear in bins.
To students sitting at a gray cluttered desk working on their project.
Students in the Art enrichment participated in figure drawing studies this summer. They worked hard throughout the program to create pieces for our Showcase.
about 1 year ago, KSD
Students sitting at a black work table with large white paper contemplating theur drawing.
Student leaning on a black work table drawing in a white piece of paper.
3 students in the foreground working on drawings on black work tables.  Student in the background standing on a work table holding a stick.
4 students spread out thoughout the room working on their drawings on black work tables.  One student in the back left standing on a work table holding a stick.
Our middle school enrichment students dove into their summer reading. They read the novel "The Epic Fail of Artura Zamora" and explored the themes and conflicts in the story. The themes are related to food, community, family, tradition, identity, and navigating change.
about 1 year ago, KSD
Three students standing in front of a white dry erase board holding up the books they are reading.
Several Students sitting at brown school desks reading their books.
5 students sitting around 6 desks all facing the center reading their books.
White board covered with students work  The work consists of a picture of a house that was colored by the students.
Mrs. Kryshak-Baptisa's students have been putting the final touches on their "I Am" poems. Students will be sharing them with the audience during Thursday's Summer Program Showcase.
about 1 year ago, KSD
Two students sitting in desks reading and coloring their I Am poems.
Two students sitting in desks one in front of the other working on their I am Poems
A student sitting at a desk dipping a paint bruch into red water color paint.
the I am poems of three students being displayed.  They are all mutli colored with the words over the color.
The class sitting at their desks throughout the classroom working on their I am poems.
Some more pictures of works students have been creating in our Ceramics enrichment class. They were able to choose a form of their liking and used the traditional methods to create these awesome pieces!
about 1 year ago, KSD
A student painting a gray clay cup that had a sketch of an eye on it.
A borwn ball of clay on a blue surface that is a cat.
A flat piece of clay that ha the face and shoulders of a women with long hair etched into it.
A student painting white flowers onto a shallow clay vessel.
A students sculpture that has ears , arms, and legs on a purple plastic tray.
A student working clay in his hands while a greem clay vessel is diplayed on a green plastic tray
A brown clay vessel that has a face on it.
A student working a gray piece of clay into a cat.  He is carving in the whickers.
Students have been creating amazing hand-built forms in our Ceramics enrichment class. They were able to choose a form of their liking and used the traditional methods to create these awesome pieces!
about 1 year ago, KSD
A student painting a clay vessel a green color.
A student forming strips of gray clay on a piece of wood.
A student with long painted finger nails rolling clay  into a cylinder while watching a demo on their phone.
A white clay sculpture is resting on a jar being painted by a students.  The letters NIL are visible on the sculpture.
A student painting a blue edge aroung the rim of a white clay vessel.
A student holding a green paintbrush painting some details onto a clay vessel.
On a white but clay covered work surface a gray clay sculpture is displayed.
A flat gray piece of clay laying on a work surface with a students hand holding a modelling tool above it.
Each week students look forward to being recognized for their dedication and progress in the summer program. When students’ names are announced on the loud speaker, you can hear the cheering of their classmates as students exit their class to receive their certificate and prize. Nothing beats seeing the excitement in our students when they receive this recognition. Congratulations to our shout outs of the week in our summer program!
about 1 year ago, KSD
Several students Standing under a pilar that reads," LMS A Place of Kindness  and Respect," holding up their certifiates of recognition.
Students in the Elementary Summer School Program have been learning yoga and breathing techniques to practice mindfulness.
about 1 year ago, KSD
Student face down on a blue mat doing a yoga pose.
Students bending over with their hands on a block on a blue mat doing a yoga pose.
Students knelling a blue mat with their right hand on a block and their left head over their heads
Students laying on a blue mat in a classroom .
Our Pre-K Summer Program made their own Oobleck using cornstarch, water, and food coloring! Students were very excited to help add ingredients, mix, and play with the Oobleck!
about 1 year ago, KSD
Four students standing around a tan table with a white bowl on it.  They are pouring a white substance into it.
To students are working on a tan table.  Their hands are covered in a blue slime like substance.
To students are working on a tan table.  Their hands are covered in a blue slime like substance.
Two students standing around a tan table with a white bowl on it.  They are pouring a white substance into it.
One student spreadng a red slimy substance on a tan table.
Two student spreadng a red slimy substance on a tan table.
What can we build and create with water? Our Pre-K students know exactly what they can create with water: some delicious lemonade! Students worked with their teachers to make their very own refreshing pitcher of lemonade. Children connected numerals to quantity by choosing a number and connecting that many number of pictured ice cubes in a glass of lemonade. What a perfect summer activity!
about 1 year ago, KSD
A student working with a teacher at a tan table.  He is pouring a powder into a jug of water.
A student working with a teacher at a tan table.  He is pouring a powder into a jug of water.
A student working with a teacher at a tan table.  He is pouring a powder into a jug of water.
A student working with a teacher at a tan table.  He is pouring a powder into a jug of water.
A student working with a teacher at a tan table.  He is pouring a powder into a jug of water.
A student working with a teacher at a tan table.  He is pouring a powder into a jug of water.
Don't throw out your Amazon Prime Day boxes! You can create anything with them! Our Pre-K Summer Program students made some awesome structures and houses! Children listened to the nonfiction book "The Business of Boxes" and learned all about different types of boxes, what they could be used for, and how we can repurpose them!
about 1 year ago, KSD
Several young students working with Amazon Prime boxes on a multicolored rug to create things
Several young students working with Amazon Prime boxes on a multicolored rug to create things
Several young students sitting on a multicolored rug with their creations from Amazon Prime boxes in front of them.
Rockness Music joined our Pre-K Summer Program every Monday for a ROCKIN' good time. Children participated in singing songs, played different instruments that make fun sounds, and danced along to the rockin' tunes! Thank you for joining us, Rockness Music!
about 1 year ago, KSD
A man with a black guitar performing in front of students sitting on the perimeter of a multicolored rug
A man holding up his black guitar as students stand around a multicolored rug with their arms in the air.
A man crouching down with his black guitar as student crouch down as well on a multicolored rug.
A man with a black guitar kneeling in front of some young students who are sitting on a multicolored rug.
A young student smiling while listening to music.
Students standing on the foreground on a rug with squares with animals in them as a man with a black guitar performs in front of them.
Students in our third grade Lego classes are learning about gravity and balancing weights. Here are some of their Lego builds that they used to explore these concepts.
about 1 year ago, KSD
Three students insitting at tan tables building with legos.
Two students sitting at brown tables buidling with multicolored legos.
Two students working at tan desks.  They are showing of their lego creations.
We had an "out of this world" experience thanks to Mobile Ed's Skydome Planetarium presentation. Students were invited into the dome, where they learned about the stars, planets, and the sun. The dome experience provided students with a stellar real life feel to being in space.
about 1 year ago, KSD
Students sitting in front of a greay wall with brown doors looking at a silver dome.
A large silver blow up dome planetarium set up in front of students and a presenter.
A presenter wearing all blach standing in front of students who are siting on the ground looking up at the projected starts in the darkened dome.
On the roof of a large silver dome projections of planets are being displayed as a presenter discusses them.
On the roof of a large silver dome projections of planets are being displayed as a presenter discusses them.
On the roof of a large silver dome projections of planets are being displayed as a presenter discusses them.
A presenter standing in front of the entrance to the silverr dome talking to students who are sitting on the floor in front of her.
Students continue to be recognized for their hard work and dedication during our summer program. They are supported and encouraged by the program teaching staff, as well as family members who attend other Kearny Schools Summer Programs in the building.
about 1 year ago, KSD
Several students posing with their certificates
Three students standing in front of a red wall  the two in the front are holding up their certificates.  The one in the back has her arms around the two in the front.
Students in the Elementary Summer Program have been enjoying some yummy treats after their hard work. They have made and gotten to enjoy rainbow fruit kabobs, ocean treats and even dirt cups!
about 1 year ago, KSD
Several students sitting at a table holding up their fruit chich kababs to the camera.
Severeal students sitting at opposite sides of a table enjoying some snacks.
Several students sitting on opposite sides of a table showing their treats to the camera.
Every week students are challenged on Thursday to use a particular set of materials to complete a challenge. This week students used pipe cleaners to create bubble wands. They enjoyed testing their creations out!
about 1 year ago, KSD
A young lady holding a purple pipe cleaner with a big bubble tuck to it.
A young man and a young lady blowing bubles with their pipe cleaner bubble wands.