Welcome to Kearny Schools Residency/Registration
Current school year Registration for Grades K-12
Click here for Registration Instructions
Haga clic aquí para obtener instrucciones de registro en español
Clique aqui para instruções de inscrição em português
· Registration is done on line you do not have to come to the Board of Education Office
· If for whatever reason you cannot register online please send an email to:
We will make an appointment for you to come in for assistance. You must have all your documents with you for your appointment time.
During this busy time we cannot accept Walk-ins
Important information regarding School Enrollment and Residency Fraud

You will not be able to register for PREK-3 at this time
It is a Lottery
You will able to enter the lottery from March 1st at 9am until March 31st at 4pm
All entrants have the same chance to get a spot, regardless of entry day or time
PREK-3 : Child must be 3 by Oct 1st
PRE-K 4 & Kindergarten only
Is Now Open
PREK-4: Child must be 4 by Oct 1st
Kindergarten: Child must be 5 By Oct 1st
PREK-4 and Kindergarten Registration Instructions
Instrucción de inscripción para prekínder y kínder
Instruções de registro para pré-escola e Kinder
Useful Links
Entrance/ Registration Medical Pack
Registration Office
Contact Information
Karen Ferrara- Residency Officer
Kerry Bulger- Residency Office Secretary
John O'Connor - Residency Investigator/Truancy Officer
Important Information regarding the National School Lunch Program
We encourage you to apply for the program to see if you qualify as soon as the parent portal is open.
Instructions to apply for meals and Summer EBT- English
Instrucciones para solicitar comidas y EBT de verano - Español
Instruções para solicitar refeições e EBT de verão - Português